Keynotes should provide the following Presentation Material:

  • the talk slides in PDF format. This is the talk that you would normally give at a conference


Oral, Poster and Demo presenters should provide the following Presentation Material:

  • 1 x pre-recorded long video of paper which is <= 6′ long.
  • the talk slides in PDF format. This is the talk that you would normally give at a conference.
  • the poster in PDF format (either one single A4 page or multipage). This is the poster that you would normally present at a conference.


Challenge presenters should provide the following Presentation Material:

  • 1 x pre-recorded long video which is < =6′ long.
  • the talk slides in PDF format. This is the talk that you would normally give at a conference.


Panel presenters should provide the following Presentation Material:.

  • the talk slides in PDF format. This is the talk that you would normally give at a conference..  

To prepare your video you can can use either the UNDERLINE recommended software Screencast-o-matic (see guidelines) or any video recording software you choose. Using Screencast-o-matic will allow you to store your video directly on the UNDERLINE server. In the case you use your preferred video recording software you should attach your recording to the ICPR 2020 Speaker Form. PDF material must be attached to the ICPR 2020 Speaker Form.

Videos longer than 6 min. WILL NOT BE PLAYED  at the Conference

Registered authors of a paper accepted at ICPR2020 will receive an email including guidelines for your video presentation and link to the ICPR 2020 Speaker Form

The Speaker form has been sent to the registered author’s email address by The Office. In the case you have not received it, please contact soon.”



If you are not going to be the Lead Presenter of the accepted paper, please contact us by sending an email to both and to confirm this change, including: number of paper, registered person, name and email of the lead presenter.

If you are a Lead Presenter and presenting more than one paper please note we are using email address as an individual profile contact, per paper, so you will need to provide alternative email addresses to access each of your additional paper profiles.