The IAPR 2020 review process is single blind and confidential.

For the first time ICPR will employ a two-round review process similar to journal submissions. New papers can be submitted in either the first or the second round. Papers submitted in the first round and not accepted can be encouraged to revise and re-submit, thus enabling the authors to address the concerns raised by the reviewers and improve their work for a second round review. Due to the two-round submission process ICPR2020 will not have a rebuttal stage neither in the first round nor in the second.

Deadlines for reviewers and Area Chairs

  • First round reviews: June 6, 2020
  • ACs first round final decisions to Authors: June 15, 2020
  • Second round reviews: September 15, 2020
  • ACs second round final decisions to Authors: September 30, 2020 MOVED TO October 10

General recommendations for reviewers

  • Check the papers assigned to you for potential conflict of interest immediately after assignment and inform Area Chairs if there is such a potential conflict
  • Keep the papers confidential. Do not distribute them, except to another person in your group if you need help with the review.
  • Do not reveal your identity when writing the review.
  • Rate a paper by the value of its scientific contributions. Ratings can be reject, weak reject, weak accept, accept. ArXiv papers are not to be considered prior work.
  • Do not ask the authors to cite your papers unless strongly justified. Before you claim a paper is out of scope, carefully check the Call for Papers
  • Give explicit and motivated reasons for your rating so that authors and Area Chairs can understand it and be ready to provide exhaustive explanations to questions by the Area Chairs in the discussion phase. Papers that are resubmitted for a second round review should be considered as new papers.
  • Submit your reviews by the reviewing deadline.

General recommendations for Area Chairs

  • Check the papers assigned to you for potential conflict of interest immediately after assignment and inform the Program Chairs if there is such a potential conflict
  • In case of non explicit and motivated reviewer’s rating ask reviewers for clear and thorough explanations and be ready to change the reviewer’s rating. Papers that are resubmitted for a second round review should be considered as new papers.
  • Submit the final decisions by the reviewing deadline.

Since ICPR2020 implements a 2-round review system, based on the discussion with reviewers, Area Chairs decide:

  • First round review: Reject, Review and Resubmit for Second round review, Accept
  • Second round review: Reject, Accept