Best Paper Award Best Paper Award to our paper "Imaging Novecento"

Imaging Novecento

The paper “Imaging Novecento. A Mobile App for Automatic Recognition of Artworks and Transfer of Artistic Styles” received the Werner Weber Best Paper Award for Project Paper during the Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EUROMED 2016). The paper is coauthored by Federico Becattini, Andrea Ferracani, Lea Landucci, Daniele Pezzatini, Tiberio Uricchio and Alberto Del Bimbo.

Imaging Novecento is a mobile application for Android which allows visitors of the Museo Novecento in Florence, IT to frame some of the artworks in the halls of the museum which are automatically recognized by the application.

The app has been selected and developed in the context of “INNOVecento – Novecento Museum Innovation Lab”, a competition notice proposed by the Municipality of Florence, in order to enhance and continue the innovative vocation of its museums.

We presented our proposal as researchers of the NEMECH New Media for Cultural Heritage. NEMECH is a Competence Centre of Cultural Heritage established by Regione Toscana and activated by MICC – University of Florence, headed by the director Alberto Del Bimbo.

The paper describing our APP has been awarded with the Werner Weber Best Paper Award for Project Paper during the Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EUROMED 2016).

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Prof Alberto Del Bimbo and Prof. Andrew D. Bagdanov

UMETECH courses

3D & Mobile programming